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Where Are You Now?

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I have enclosed two photos for your page. One shows my family in 1974, standing in Pound Lane (where we lived). The Drift is behind us and to the left. In the photo are (l-r) Phillip (Dad), Ann (Mum), Alison, Simon (me!), Nigel and Tracy. This was one of the last photos we had taken as a "whole" family as my parents split at the end of 1974. I was 7 years old at the time the picture was taken. We went to Heacham in 1973, because my Dad had secured a job in Lynn. My Mum worked part-time at Lodge Farm. My brother Nigel and sister Tracy went to Hunstanton Secondary and I, along with my sister Alison went to Heacham Primary. I loved my time in Heacham. There was a shop called Linda Beans in Pound Lane, where Linda used to sell sweets and all sorts of things! It was like a goldmine in there! My best friends were boys called Kevin and Christopher. I think Kevin still lives there. The summer of 1974 seemed to be spent at North or South Beach, walking "miles and miles" to greet the tide and flying kites. Nigel and I used to go conkering in the small park.

Family photo in 1974

Things I remember from school... Harvest festivals - We were all given packages to deliver to local old people...The old lady I delivered to gave me 10p for my troubles, which I had to say I found on the road because we weren't supposed to accept any money.....My Mum believed me so I spent it at Linda Beans! I was second King in the school nativity (1973).  

Photo was taken in
2003 with youngest
daughter Amy


We had to walk through the streets to the church in our costumes (did the original 3 wise men really wear green velvet?!). I was in love with a girl called Lorraine Munchenbeck (think that's how you spell it). But it was not meant to be. We were 6 years old and it seemed too early to make  any strong commitments at that time. We were contented to pull each other's hair and deny that we liked each other! There are so many memories of Heacham, too many to mention here. Suffice to say, I was sad when we left and the village has always been one of my favourites to re-visit. I now live, with my partner Linda in Norwich. We have a 1 year old daughter. I also have two other daughters from my previous marriage. I left school in 1985 and worked as a DJ until 1988. Since then I have been working for the YMCA and Princes Trust as a youth worker and team leader. I am currently a youth advisor for a programme called E2E based in Norwich.

Cheers  Simon Plumpton

Click on Names below to see more people who used to live in Heacham
Bob Markham Mike Pull Raymond Lee Joan Parker (nee Flint)
Simon Plumpton Christine Raines  Who will be next?