Where Are You Now
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Where Are You Now?

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It is a known fact that two thirds of my generation (born 1933) left Norfolk for pastures new.  This was certainly true of my family.  At that time, Heacham had one school. You either passed the 11-plus and went to the Grammar School in King's Lynn or you stayed in Heacham digging the Headmaster's garden or sharpened pencils until you were fourteen.  I failed the 11-plus.


We lived in Folgate Road, Heacham.  I joined HM Forces in 1949 and my sister left Heacham some years after.  My brother Philip still lives in Heacham and plays bowls regularly in the area.
After some years seeing the world (at the Government's expense) I settled in Buckinghamshire working on computer systems development and produced three children.  I retired about ten years ago and have been active in the Royal British Legion on a voluntary basis since then.

I regularly keep in touch with Heacham via the website and am always interested in all the news on it.
Raymond Lee

Ray and his wife Irene

Click on Names below to see more people who used to live in Heacham
Bob Markham Mike Pull Raymond Lee Joan Parker (nee Flint)
Simon Plumpton Christine Raines Who will be next?