The Pocahontas Players Present

The Cast
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Adapted by Jim Race
The Story
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Thursday 19th, Friday 20th and Saturday 21st January 2006

Stella of Heacham-On-Line would like to thank Jan Curtis from the Pocahontas Players
for assisting with this feature by supplying photos and information
  About the Pocahontas Players
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More popular than ever,
this year's performance by the Pocahontas Players was especially well supported and,
as usual, a great time was had by all.  Oh no it wasn't - oh yes it was!


 Ugly Sisters: Vi-Agra (Jeanie Tooley), Ni-Agra (Jan Curtis)
& Cinderella (Ellen Bray)
Is there enough time to make them beautiful?
Cinderella tries to beat the chimes ... Hell's Angel (Dave Curtis), Cinderella (Ellen Bray)
& Prince Charming (Jenny Rudd)
Cinderella (Ellen Bray)
& Prince Charming
(Jenny Rudd)
Val Crow (Gary Pearce) King's Messenger (Linn Woodley),
King's Footman (Mark Harrison)
& Scoop (Laura Kemp)
Fairy God Mum
(Sally Garrod)
Val Pearce (Gary Pearce) &
Cinderella (Ellen Bray)
Time for a gossip?
The Queen (Pat Southgate) &
The King (Robin May)
Cinderella (Ellen Bray) &
Prince Charming (Jenny Rudd)
Happy Ever After?


      Vi-Agra (Jeanie Tooley), Widow Lastic (Elain Pygall),
Val Crow (Gary Pearce) & Ni-Agra (Jan Curtis)
