Children's Summer Activities 2007

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Football Skills Training

More Pics and
Prize Winners


Tuesday, 31 July was too warm for running about with a football but Chris Bacon and Ashley Keegan
(two of Jess Ibrom's team) began coaching a group of 6-13 year old children
in the finer points of football skills.
The training continued on the first day of August and this time
the weather was a little kinder to the budding young Beckhams.

Over the two days, the children played games such as Numbers Shooting, Soccer Tennis
and World Cup Headers.   Once they were warmed up they were organised into three groups
(Group 1: 6-7 year olds; Group 2: 8-10 year olds; Group 3: 11-13 year olds)
and got to compete in a full "World Cup Tournament".








