
New Volunteer Centre Opens In Heacham
Wednesday, 31 January 2022

Photo by Stella of Heacham-On-Line

West Norfolk Voluntary & Community Action (WNCVS)celebrated the launch of its new volunteer centre on 31 January.  The Centre opened at the Heacham Library in Lynn Road in November 2006 and will be open every Wednesday between 10 am and 4 pm.

Karen Lee of WNCVS, Centre Manager, will provide a drop-in centre for people wishing to volunteer, a source of information about volunteering opportunities in Heacham and the surrounding area and a CRB checking service for members of WNCVS.

Chris England, Volunteer Co-ordinator for WNCVS said:

“This is an exciting time for volunteering as we
extend WNCVS’ coverage to the more rural areas,
thus enabling people wishing to help out others
to find out more without having to travel
to King’s Lynn to do so.”

If you have a few hours to spare a month and would like to find out more, please drop into the Volunteer Centre in Heacham or contact Karen on 01485 570484 or e-mail Karen@westnorfolkvca.org.

If you have some spare time and would like to learn more about the West Norfolk Community Volunteer Service drop in to the centre in Heacham or check out their website at: www.westnorfolkvca.org


Karen Lee outside the new drop in centre
