Stella of HOL would like to thank Malcolm for sending in this feature.






Although a week of rain the previous week
this years tournament had plenty of sunshine
and good weather every day with just rain
on Thursday evening and a little on Friday.

7th to 13th July 2007


Basil Johnson said the week went very well
and the tournament ran very smoothly.
Let us hope that next year starts the revival
of the tournament and many more entries.

We hope

you enjoyed


coverage of

this years


Please note if the bowls tournament is covered again next year it will only appear on Hunstanton On Line not on Heacham On Line.
Hunstanton On Line would like to thank Basil for the following article.
Photo below shows Basil and some of his committee from Cliff Parade Bowls Club.


In 1980 Simon Beales who was Northern Area Manager had the Idea of a Bowls Tournament to bring bowlers and their families into the town. He asked Harry Norman an experienced bowls organiser from King's Lynn and myself a bowler representing Hunstanton Chamber of Trade to work with him to get the tournament started in 1981. The object was to run the tournament week to coincide with Leicester Holiday Fortnight, around the first week of July as we expected to get most of our entries from that area.
In 1981 the first bowls tournament took place sponsored by Albert Dent a bowler and owner of Dents Transport of Hilgay and umpired by a bowls umpire from Bedford Eric Hartwell who umpired the tournament for several Years. The tournament was successful enough for Simon Beales to ask for it to run again the next July with more sponsors and more competitions including ladies and mixed events. 1982 was more successful and by 1985 I had a committee of 7 local bowlers organising and running the tournament, it was by now even more successful with 12 sponsors and 12 different events being played on 28 Rinks in 4 different venues, 12 rinks on Cliff Parade Bowls Club, 6 rinks at Cromer Road Bowls Club, 6 Rinks at Heacham Bowls Club and 4 rinks at Old Hunstanton Bowls Club.

There were competitors from as far away as Australia and all parts of the British Isles with many local bowlers enjoying the competition. The tournament carried on attracting large entries for several years and I carried on as Tournament Manager with a very good committee organising and running the event until 1997 when my committee and myself decided that we had got to the age when it was time to let others take it on.  Unfortunately there is only one lady Mrs. Mary Clarke and myself who were on the committees that are still alive today. But the tournament carried on with a different format and different managers still attracting bowlers for a weeks competitive bowling. Let us hope it will continue to give bowlers an enjoyable week for another 27 Years.

Basil Johnson


Next Years Tournament Date
Saturday 5th to Friday 11th July 2008
Closing dates for entry 1st April 2008
Application Forms and entry contact
'Bowls Tournament', Sports Development Unit, Lynne Playford,
Lynnsport & Leisure Park, Greenpark Avenue, King's Lynn, PE30 2NB
