December 2006


Stella @ Heacham-On-Line

Another year over and a new one just begun ...  as the song goes "and what have we done".  Well as far as Heacham-On-Line goes quite a lot really.

Heacham-On-Line participated in the “In Heacham” KLFM radio campaign throughout the summer promoting Heacham even more as a place to visit.  The "sunset" webcam was sited on the beach thanks to Aubrey.  We hope that the position will show off many of our fabulous sunsets for everyone to appreciate over the coming months and years.  The second webcam location will hopefully focus on a different view of the beach to complement the “sunset” webcam.  After no less than 7 tombolas held by yours truly (along with consistent support from Doreen of Poet's Corner) and several other sources of fundraising we are close to achieving funds for the second webcam.  All being well this should be up before March 2007.

Support from budding photographers (both near and far) has been very much appreciated - especially Heacham Digital Camera Club.  Thanks to help from all these wonderful photographers the creation of pages promoting Heacham as a place to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Jamestown and more have been made possible.  These pages can be viewed at

Site hits have, for much of the year, doubled hits achieved at the same time in 2005.  At time of writing (18 December) hits totalled 145,778 (page views 436,810) and this significantly exceeds the hits achieved in the whole of 2005 which were 84,521 (246,358 pages viewed) so, thanks to all your support, continues to grow and promote Heacham as part of the sunset coastline.

All I can say now is have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.


PS:  I hope you like the lovely Christmassy look of the December front page.  This is thanks to the creative genius of Malcolm.  Thanks Malcolm.









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