Election Campaign Gathers Momentum In Heacham
14th April 2005

Henry Bellingham heads Conservative team's visit to Heacham.


Eastgate House,
Burnham Market

Dear Elector,

During the last four years I have represented the Hunstanton Ward on the County Council but due to boundary changes I look forward now to working for electors of the Docking and Heacham Ward. My special interests are in education, the provision of affordable housing and maintenance of the highways and footpaths. I am a Governor of two schools and the chairman of one of them. On the County Council I am the Cabinet member for education and childrens' services having been the Chairman of the Social Services Review Panel.

The Conservative administration on the County Council is wholly committed to delivering good quality value for money services for all its residents. It is constantly seeking to make savings and efficiencies without affecting front line services. Only 7 staff per 10000 population are employed as compared with over fifteen on average in all County Councils across the country. It is vital also to keep the Council tax as low as possible while maintaining a prudent level of balances and reserves.

Difficulties with transport in the more rural areas are often a problem and I will continue to press the Council for support for local bus services. The safety concerns of the A149 at Heacham still need a resolution and I remain committed to working with the Parish Council to find a satisfactory solution.

Our rural villages must be protected for our environmental well being. I stand strongly opposed to large scale developments which do not have the support of local people and which could damage the natural landscape. We are fortunate to live in such beautiful countryside and I am passionate about its preservation whilst retaining village communities and their facilities. We must ensure though that our young people are enabled to continue living in the area of their choice.

I look forward to serving all the residents of the Docking Division and representing your views to the County Council.

Vote Conservative on May 5th. VOTE MONBIOT.
Rosalie can be contacted on 01328 738316

Rosalie Monbiot
